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How to Make Vape Juice at Home?

John Doe

Written by: John Doe

Updated on May 8, 2024

How to Make Vape Juice at Home

If you’re looking to quit smoking cigarettes, vaping can be an extremely helpful tool. It allows you to get your nicotine fix without exposing yourself to the health effects and harmful chemicals found in traditional tobacco products. However, while vaping is cheaper than smoking in the long run, the cost of buying pre-made vape juice can really add up over time. That’s why many vapers are turning to making their own e-liquid at home through a process called DIY vaping. We understand if the idea of DIY vaping seems a bit daunting at first. But don’t worry – this guide will walk you through every step of the process, from gathering your materials to perfecting your flavor combinations.

Why Make Your Own E-Juice?

Unlimited Flavor Combinations and Custom Recipes

One of the biggest benefits of making your own vape diy e liquids and juice yourself is that you have total freedom to create your own unique flavor blends and recipes. When buying pre-made e-liquids, you’re limited to whatever flavors are commercially available. But with DIY vape diy e liquids and juice make, you can get as creative as you want by combining many different flavours and flavor concentrates to craft your own signature vape diy e juice flavors tailored to your personal taste preferences.

Cost Savings Over Buying Pre-Made Juices

While the initial investment for DIY vape juice supplies isn’t free, making your own e-liquid at home works out to be much cheaper than buying pre-made vape juices in the long run. That’s especially true if you tend to vape premium e-juice brands or go through a lot of e-liquid.

A few small bottles of flavor concentrate, vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine, and empty bottles will set you back less than $50. With those supplies alone, you can mix up over 500ml of high-quality vape juice. Compare that to the cost of buying 500ml worth of pre-made premium e-liquids, which could easily run you over $100 or more.

Total Control Over Ingredients and Nicotine Strengths

Another major perk of DIY vaping is having complete control over everything that goes into your e-liquid. When you buy pre-made vape juices, you have to go with whatever PG/VG ratio, nicotine strength and ingredient formulation the juice maker decided on. But with DIY juice, you get to choose your ideal PG/VG blend for achieving your preferred vapor production and throat hit.

You can mix up max VG juices for ultra-thick clouds, or start experimenting with nicotine salts. Most importantly, you know exactly what’s going into your vape juice and can ensure you’re only using premium, food-grade ingredients.

Make Large Batches for Maximum Value and Convenience

With commercial juices and e-liquids, you’re limited by the predetermined bottle sizes the juices come in, usually from 30ml to 120ml. When you make your own e-juice, you can mix up much larger batches of vape juice all at once for even better value and convenience.

Never Run Out of E-Liquid Unexpectedly

Speaking of not running out, one of the most frustrating things as a vaper is unexpectedly running out of vape juice with no ability to restock right away. When you DIY your e-liquid though, you’ll always have a ready supply of ingredients on-hand to simply whip up a new batch whenever you’re running low. Having DIY vape juice kits, including essential oils, diluted nicotine, and flavour concentrate, handy can go a very long way.

Experiment with New Flavors

If you tend to stick to the same just a few flavors when buying pre-made e-liquids, making your own vape juice gives you an opportunity to expand your palate and discover whole new flavor profiles you may not have tried otherwise.

Building up a stash of different flavor concentrates lets you experiment to your heart’s content in search of new all-day-vape contenders. You may just stumble upon an unexpectedly delicious new flavor that becomes your new go-to vape.

Methods for DIY Vape Juice: Mixing by Volume vs Mixing by Weight

When making your own vape juice at home, you’ll have two main methods for measuring and mixing your ingredients: by volume using syringes and bottles with measurement markers, or by weight using a scale. Both techniques are perfectly fine and valid ways to mix e-liquid and neither is objectively better than the other. It ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Mixing by volume

Mixing by volume tends to be the most popular and approachable method for DIY vape juice beginners. It involves using syringes to measure out the desired volume (usually in milliliters) of each ingredient like vegetable glycerin, propylene glycol, nicotine solution and flavor concentrates. As long as you have syringes that go down to 1 ml or less, it’s a very straightforward process.

The main downside to mixing by volume is that it’s not quite as accurate, since different ingredients have different densities and viscosities that impact how their volumes translate to weight. Mixing by weight with a scale avoids this by simply calculating the precise number of grams needed for each ingredient.

Mixing by weight

Mixing by weight does require a bit more equipment in the form of an accurate scale that can measure down to 0.01 grams. However, it gives you perfect measurements every time and makes accounting for an ingredient’s density a non-issue. The only real downside is that weighing out each ingredient does add a few extra steps to the mixing process compared to just drawing up volumes with syringes.

In the end, it’s hard to go too wrong with either mixing by volume or mixing by weight for DIY vape juice. Both techniques get the job done effectively when done properly. Many mixologists actually use a hybrid approach where they measure out their VG and PG by volume, but measure nicotine solution, flavorings, and other trace ingredients by weight.

Step by Step Guide to Making Vape Juice at Home

While making your own e-liquid for vaping may seem intimidating at first, the process itself is actually pretty straightforward once you have the right instructions and materials. Here’s how:

Step 1: Get the Equipment and Tools You’ll Need

Vape Juice Bottles and Containers:

  • Small 10ml and 15ml bottles for mixing test batches
  • Larger 30ml, 60ml, 120ml bottles for storing your final vape juice batches
  • Plastic mixing containers/beakers (if mixing larger volumes)

Measuring Equipment:

  • Syringes in multiple sizes (1ml, 3ml, 5ml, 10ml+) if mixing by volume
  • Milligram scale that measures down to 0.01g if mixing by weight
  • Pipettes or bottle dripper tips

Other Supplies:

  • Nitrile or latex powder-free gloves
  • Paper towels
  • Permanent markers/labels
  • Storage boxes
  • Funnel tools (optional)

Step 2: Get Your Vape Juice Supplies and Ingredients

Next, you’ll need to stock up on the core ingredients for actually making the vape juice itself:

  • Vegetable Glycerin (VG) – This odorless liquid produces the thick, smooth vapor clouds. You can buy food-grade VG easily online or at some grocery stores.
  • Propylene Glycol (PG) – This thinner liquid is the main carrying agent for nicotine and flavors. It provides more “throat hit.” Look for USP-grade PG.
  • Nicotine Solution – If you want nicotine in your juice, you’ll need to buy nicotine suspended in either PG or VG. Common strengths are 48 mg and 100mg.
  • Flavor Concentrates – These food-grade, concentrated flavors are what provide your vape juice’s flavor profile. You’ll find thousands to choose from.

It’s smart to also pick up some extra bottles, syringes and gloves to make sure you don’t run out mid-mix. Having backup supplies on hand is very helpful for keeping your DIY vape juice workflow smooth.

Step 3: Calculate Your Vape Juice Measurements

Before you start mixing anything, you’ll need to figure out exactly how much of each ingredient you need for the desired batch size, nicotine strength and VG/PG ratio. Trying to guesstimate measurements is a recipe for making un-vapable e-liquid.

The easiest way to see how much vape juice is and how to make vape juice is to make vape juice and get accurate measurements is to use an online vape juice calculator. Online Calculators let you input criteria like:

  • Total volume of vape juice you want to make (30ml, 120ml, and so on)
  • Desired nicotine strength in mg (0mg, 3mg, 6mg, etc.)
  • Target VG/PG ratio (70VG/30PG, 50/50, and so on)
  • Specific nicotine base strength (48mg, 100mg, and so on)
  • Flavor concentrate percentages

The calculator will then provide the exact amount in ml (or grams if mixing by weight) that you need of each ingredient to hit your targets.

Step 4: Prep Your Base PG/VG Blend

With your measurements calculated, it’s time to actually start mixing your vape juice ingredients together. Many mixologists like to start with the VG and PG base before adding anything else.

If mixing by volume, use your larger syringes to measure out the prescribed amounts of vegetable glycerin and propylene glycol into your main mixing container or bottle. If mixing by weight, add the calculated weight of each liquid to your container on the scale. Once you have your target VG/PG ratio mixed together, give it a thorough stir or shake to make sure the two are fully incorporated.

Step 5: Mix in Your Flavor Concentrates

Next, it’s time to add your flavor concentrates to e juice bottles create your desired flavor profile! This is where the real magic of DIY vape juice happens.

Most online calculators and recipes will provide the ideal flavor percentage to use for each concentrate. Using your smaller syringes or bottles, measure out those percentages and add them directly to your PG/VG base mixture.

For example, if making a 60ml batch with 8% TFA Strawberry and 5% FA Cream concentrate, that would mean adding 4.8ml of the Strawberry and 3ml of the Cream to add flavor to your 60ml base.

After adding each flavor concentrate, give your mixture a stir and keep repeating that process until all desired flavors have been incorporated. The liquid form viscosity will thicken up as you add more flavors. This video shows you how to get the mixing right.

Step 6: Add Your Nicotine Solution

If you want your DIY vape juice to contain larger quantities of nicotine, the next step is to incorporate nicotine juice your nic solution using extreme care and precision. Nicotine juice can be absorbed through the skin, so be very cautious when handling it.

Using a small syringe or pipette, slowly measure out the exact amount of nicotine specified by your vape calculators. Transfer it into your e-liquid mixture, being very careful not to spill or touch it directly.

Once the nicotine is added, stir the mixture thoroughly but gently to fully incorporate it without creating too many air bubbles.

Step 7: Stir or Shake Your Vape Juice Mixture and Bottle It

With all your core ingredients now mixed together in mixing beaker, it’s time to do a final, thorough stir or shake of your entire vape juice mixture to ensure it’s fully blended. Let the make vape juice mixture sit for 5-10 minutes to allow any air bubbles to disperse.

Next, use a syringe, funnel or bottling tool to carefully transfer your completed e-liquid into your final storage bottles or containers. Leave just a bit of air space at the top rather than filling it to the brim.

Once bottled, firmly cap or seal your vape juice bottles. It’s also a good idea to use a label or marker to write out the flavor details, how much nicotine and PG and VG ratio produces large clouds of vapor

Step 8: Let Your DIY Vape Juice Steep

You’re so close to the finish line. While you can technically make vape juice steep it right away, most mixologists agree that freshly-mixed e-liquids taste muted, harsh or clinic. A good steep transforms those flavors into their intended, richer profile.

For most recipes, you’ll want to steep your vape juice for at least 1-2 weeks stored in a cool, dark place. Some recipes may call for even longer steep times closer to 3-4 weeks. During this time, it’s best to store your vape juice bottles upright, with caps off to allow air exposure. The flavors will gradually develop, deepen and meld together into their true form.

Step 9: Test Your Vape Juice and Make Adjustments

Once your DIY vape juice has had ample time to steep, it’s time for the taste test! Grab an RDA, dripper or tank and load up some of your freshly-steeped e-liquid. Take some pulls and get a good sense of how the flavor mixture came out.

If anything seems a bit off – not enough flavor, too much sweetener, or whatnot – you can actually make adjustments at this stage as needed. Simply mix up a bit more base with different flavor percentages, allow it to steep briefly, then blend it into your existing batch until you achieve the profile certain flavors you’re after.

Step 10: Store Properly and Enjoy Vaping Your DIY E-Juice

If your homemade e juice or vape juice turned out to your liking, the final step is to bottle it up for proper storage and future use. Transfer your steeped e-liquid into clean, air-tight bottles or containers and store them in a cool, and dark place or spot away from heat and sunlight.

Properly stored, your DIY vape juice will continue providing great flavor for many weeks or even months to come. The best part is finally getting to see how much your homemade vape juice really is and savor the fruits of your labor as a DIY vape juice mixer. You can refill your favorite vape cartridge.

Tips for Making Your Own Vape Juice

Crafting your own delicious vape juices at home takes a bit of practice, but these tips from experienced DIY mixologists will help ensure great results every time.

#1 Start with Tried-and-True Recipes

When you’re first learning how to mix vape juice, it’s wise to start out following trusted, highly-rated recipes before branching out into your own custom creations. Look for recipes with lots of positive reviews and detailed notes.

#2 Use an E-Liquid Calculator Every Time

Even experienced mixologists use an e-liquid calculator for every new mix they create. These invaluable tools take the guesswork out of getting your measurements right for the desired nicotine strength, PG/VG ratio, and flavor percentages.

#3 Take Detailed Mixing Notes

Whenever you mix up a new homemade vape juice batch, be diligent about taking detailed notes on your specific ingredient measurements, techniques used, steeping times, and your thoughts on how much vape juice in the finished product vapes. These records allow you to recreate your successes, avoid repeated failures, and track your progression as a homemade vape juice calculator and mixer.

#4 Invest in Supplies for Efficiency

While you can technically mix vape juice with just a few basic tools, investing in proper DIY supplies like graduated cylinders, disposable pipettes, and a quality scale (if mixing by weight) will make your mixing sessions much smoother and more efficient over time. It’s the difference between feeling like an amateur and a well-equipped pro.If you want to get creative, you can invest in some proper PG and VG and take it from there –while always making safety your priority

#5 Sanitize and Keep Things Clean

Basic cleanliness and sanitation are critical when working with vape juice ingredients like nicotine solutions. Always use clean bottles, utensils, and work surfaces when mixing. Have sanitary wipes on hand to clean up any spills or splashes, and wash your hands thoroughly when finished mixing.

#6 Start Simple Before Getting Complex

In the beginning, stick to recipes with just 2-4 flavor concentrates maximum. These simple, one-note recipes are great for getting experience with DIY without risking muted or muddy flavors that can happen if you get too elaborate too quickly. Master the basics before advancing to complex multi-concentrate mixes.

#7 Separate Mixing by Flavor Profile

To avoid unintentional flavor ghosting or contamination across multiple flavors and multiple bottles used, it’s wise to separate your mixing sessions by flavor profile category. For example, do all your fruit mixes first before moving on to desserts, then tobaccos, etc. Using dedicated utensils and bottles per profile also helps.

#8 Allow for Proper Steeping Times

Patience is key when steeping your homemade vape juices. While those first few days are torturous when you can’t wait to vape them, steeping truly does allow the flavors to marry and bloom properly. Follow suggested steep times and only make very small testing batches if you can’t resist vaping prematurely.

#9 Get to Know Your Flavor Concentrates

Spend time researching flavor concentrate brands and getting to understand their individual nuances. Learn which flavors blend are bold, which are muted, which concentrate percentages are ideal, good starting point and points, etc. This knowledge will greatly improve your mixing instincts and ability to reverse-engineer or tweak recipes.Juices with higher amounts of PG to VG provide a stronger throat hit due to thicker clouds

#10 Consider Joining a DIY Vaping Community

The DIY e-liquid community is very active on forums like Reddit’s /r/DIY_eJuice, which are goldmines for recipes, tips, vendors and general advice from experienced mixers. Getting plugged into these communities gives you a deep well of knowledge to draw from as you’re starting out.

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John Doe
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