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Why and How to Stop Dizziness from Vaping?

Ethan Parker

Written by: Ethan Parker

Updated on March 7, 2024

Why and How to Stop Dizziness from Vaping

If you’ve recently taken up vaping, you may have experienced feeling lightheaded or dizzy after using your vape device. While vaping is generally considered safer than smoking traditional cigarettes, it’s not without its side effects, especially if you are just getting your feet wet in the lifestyle.

Dizziness is one of the most commonly reported side effects of vaping, and it can be quite unpleasant. In this article, we’ll explore the reasons why vaping can cause dizziness and provide practical tips on how to prevent and stop feeling dizzy.

Why Do I Feel Dizzy from Vaping?

Many people believe vaping e-liquid can be a great way to quit smoking cigarettes, but recent studies disagree with this notion. It’s true that tobacco smoke contains far more harmful chemicals than vapor from e-liquids, although that doesn’t mean vaping is without side effects.

That may explain why some vapers experience unpleasant side effects such as bouts of migraines, headaches, and more to our point, dizziness. As with vape headache, feeling dizzy after vaping can be caused by a bagful of factors, including excessive nicotine intake, dehydration, allergic reactions, improper inhalation technique, and more.

Let’s delve into the most common reasons why vapers experience dizziness.

Reason #1: Nicotine Levels

One of the primary causes of dizziness from vaping is the nicotine level in your e-liquid. Nicotine is an addictive substance that acts as a stimulant. According to Mayo Clinic, excessive intake can lead to side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and headaches.

Many vapers, especially new ones, may inadvertently consume too much nicotine by using high nicotine strengths. The same goes for those who chain vape (aka puffing constantly without breaks).

Reason #2: Dehydration

Vaping can cause dehydration due to the hygroscopic nature of the main ingredients in e-liquids, propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin. These compounds absorb water from your body, leading to dryness and dehydration. When dehydrated, you may experience dizziness, dry mouth, and other symptoms.

Reason #3: Allergic Reactions

Some vapers may have allergic reactions to certain ingredients in e-liquids, such as propylene glycol or specific flavorings. These sensitivities can manifest as dizziness, difficulty breathing, rashes, or nausea. If you suspect an allergic reaction, it’s crucial to seek medical attention and identify the offending ingredient.

Reason #4: Poor Inhaling Technique

If you’re new to vaping, the chances are good that you will often struggle with the proper inhalation technique, leading to excessive nicotine delivery. Taking deep breaths or long inhales can cause more nicotine to enter your lungs and bloodstream quickly, resulting in dizziness and other adverse effects.

Reason #5: Frequent or Excessive Vaping

If you’re vaping too frequently or excessively, you may be consuming more nicotine than your body can handle in a short period. This excessive nicotine intake can lead to dizziness, nausea, and other side effects, especially for new vapers or those using high nicotine strengths.

Reason #6: Nicotine Salts

Nicotine salt vape juice is a class of e-liquids that has become popular among vapers due to their smoother nicotine delivery and satisfaction. However, nicotine salts can be more potent and provide a faster nicotine hit, potentially causing dizziness in those unaccustomed to their effects, particularly new vapers.

Reason #7: Low-Quality Vaping Hardware

Using low-quality vaping cartridges or vape juice can contribute to dizziness. These products may contain impurities, contaminants, or additives that can trigger adverse reactions, including dizziness.

Reason #8: Incorrect Vape Settings

If you’re using a vape device with adjustable settings, setting the wattage or temperature too high can produce more vapor and deliver more nicotine per puff, increasing the risk of dizziness, especially for new vapers or those sensitive to nicotine.

Common Remedies: How to Stop Dizziness from Vaping

While dizziness from vaping can be unpleasant, there are several steps you can take to prevent or stop feeling dizzy during your vaping sessions.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help combat dehydration caused by vaping. If you feel thirsty or experience dry mouth, it’s a sign that you need to hydrate.

Aim to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day, and consider carrying a water bottle with you during vaping sessions. Additionally, limit your intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they can contribute to dehydration.

Adjust Your Nicotine Strength

If you’re experiencing dizziness, it may be time to lower your nicotine strength or switch to a lower nicotine e-liquid. Start by reducing your nicotine level by a few milligrams and see if the dizziness subsides.

You can gradually reduce your nicotine intake until you find a comfortable level that doesn’t cause adverse effects. Many vapers find that using e-liquids with nicotine strengths between 3-6mg is a good starting point for avoiding dizziness.

Switch to Freebase Nicotine

If you’re using nicotine salt vape juices and experiencing dizziness, consider switching to freebase nicotine e-liquids, which tend to be less potent and provide a smoother nicotine delivery.

Nicotine salts are formulated to provide a quicker and more intense nicotine hit, which can be overwhelming for some vapers, especially those new to vaping or sensitive to nicotine.

Take Breaks and Avoid Chain Vaping

Taking breaks during your vaping sessions and avoiding chain vaping can help prevent excessive nicotine intake and dizziness. Follow a similar usage pattern as you did when smoking cigarettes, and put down your vape device periodically.

Aim to take a 10-15 minute break after every few puffs to allow your body to process the nicotine. Chain vaping can quickly lead to nicotine overdose and dizziness.

Adjust Your Vape Settings

If your vape device allows for adjustable settings, consider lowering the wattage or temperature to produce less vapor and consume less nicotine per puff.

Higher wattage and temperature settings can increase the amount of vapor produced, leading to greater nicotine delivery and potentially causing dizziness. Start with lower settings and gradually increase them as you become more accustomed to vaping.

Check for Allergies or Sensitivities

If you suspect an allergic reaction or sensitivity to an ingredient in your e-liquid, try switching to a different brand or flavor without that particular ingredient. Common culprits for allergic reactions include propylene glycol (PG), specific flavorings like cinnamon or citrus, and certain additives.

Seek Medical Attention if Symptoms Persist

If you experience prolonged or severe dizziness, nausea, or other concerning symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical attention, as these could be signs of a more serious underlying condition.

Other Side Effects of Vaping (and What You Can Do About Them)

While dizziness is one of the most common side effects of vaping, there are several others that vapers should be aware of.


Coughing can occur when new vapers inhale too deeply or use high nicotine strengths. Adjusting your inhalation technique and nicotine level may help alleviate this issue.

Dry Mouth

The hygroscopic nature of propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin in e-liquids can cause dry mouth or dehydration. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water can help combat this side effect.


Nicotine acts as a stimulant, and its effects can cause fatigue or tiredness as the nicotine levels in your body fluctuate. Maintaining a consistent nicotine intake and avoiding chain vaping may help prevent this.


Excessive nicotine intake or dehydration can trigger headaches. Reducing your nicotine strength, staying hydrated, and taking breaks during vaping sessions can help alleviate headaches.


Nausea is another common side effect of vaping, especially when consuming too much nicotine or using specific e-liquid flavors. Adjusting your nicotine level or switching flavors may help resolve this issue.

Weight Changes

While the effects of vaping on weight are not well-established, some vapers report weight loss or gain. Monitoring your caloric intake and staying active can help maintain a healthy weight.

Chest Pain

In rare cases, vaping can cause chest pain, which may be a sign of an allergic reaction, high nicotine levels, or other underlying conditions. If you experience chest pain, seek medical attention immediately.

Sore Throat

A sore or irritated throat can be caused by high nicotine levels, dry vaping, or allergies to specific e-liquid ingredients. Adjusting your nicotine strength, staying hydrated, and switching e-liquids may provide relief.

Vaper’s Tongue

Vaper’s tongue is a temporary condition where you lose the ability to taste your favorite e-liquid flavors. Taking a break from vaping or switching flavors can help restore your sense of taste.

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Ethan Parker
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