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Why is My Vape Cart Not Hitting (Not Clogged)?

John Doe

Written by: John Doe

Updated on May 17, 2024

Why is My Vape Cart Not Hitting (Not Clogged)

Clogging is undoubtedly one of the most common issues faced by vapers when it comes to vape cartridges. It is usually caused by e-liquid or vape juice that is too thick for the device, resulting in a blockage that prevents the cart from hitting properly. However, what about situations where the cart isn’t clogged, yet it still fails to hit?

In this article, we will discuss the various reasons why your vape cartridge might not be hitting, even when it’s not clogged.

What is a Vape Cart?

A vape cartridge, often referred to as a cart, is an essential component of a vaporizer or vape pen used for consuming various vaping substances, including e-liquids, concentrates, and oils.

Vape Cartridge: EDGE Nano2

A typical vape cart consists of several vital parts that work together to produce vapor.

  • Vape Battery: This is the power source that supplies the electrical current necessary to heat the coil and vaporize the e-liquid or concentrate. It can be integrated or detachable, depending on the vape device.
  • Tank or Cartridge: This part holds the e-liquid, concentrate, or oil that you wish to vaporize and consume.
  • Atomizer: The atomizer is the heating element that vaporizes the e-liquid or concentrate. It consists of a heating coil made of resistance wire (typically kanthal or nichrome) and a wick (often made of silica or cotton) that absorbs and delivers the e-liquid or concentrate to the coil.
  • Connectors: These components ensure a reliable connection between the cart and the battery, allowing the electrical current to flow smoothly to the heating coil, enabling vaporization.
  • Mouthpiece: As the name suggests, this is the part you place your lips on to inhale the vapor.

7 Reasons Why a Vape Cart Is Not Hitting

(1) Battery-Related Issues

The vape battery plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of your vape cart. If the battery encounters any issues, it can prevent the cart from hitting or producing vapor. Here are some common battery-related problems and how to address them:

Dead Battery

If your vape battery is completely drained, it won’t have enough power to heat the coil and vaporize the e-liquid or concentrate. To fix this issue, simply charge your battery using the appropriate charging cable or device until it’s fully charged.

Low (Uncharged) Battery

Even if your battery isn’t completely dead, a low charge can still prevent it from providing sufficient power to the coil, resulting in weak or no vapor production. Ensure that your battery is fully charged before using your vape cart.

Issues with Battery Connection

Over time, frequent cartridge replacements can cause the connection between the battery and the cart to become loose or damaged, leading to a poor electrical connection.

Incompatible Vape Pen Battery

Many modern vape carts are designed to work with specific battery types or models. Using an incompatible battery can result in a lack of vapor production or poor performance. Always ensure that your battery is compatible with your vape cart by consulting the manufacturer’s guidelines or specifications.

(2) Quality Issues with your Vape Cart

Quality is an important factor when choosing a vape cart. Low-quality, defective, or flimsy vapes can result in various issues, including the inability to hit or produce vapor. Let’s explore some common quality-related problems:

Defective Cartridge

Unfortunately, manufacturing defects can occur, even with reputable brands. If you’ve received a cartridge that is not functioning properly or is unable to produce vapor, it may be defective. In such cases, you should contact the retailer or manufacturer for a replacement or refund.

Low-quality or Counterfeit Vape Carts

Counterfeit vape carts are often of poor quality and may lack essential components or be constructed improperly. These carts are more likely to perform poorly, fail to produce vapor, or even pose safety risks. Always purchase vape carts from reputable and trusted sources to ensure authenticity and quality.

(3) Issues with Cart Coil, Atomizer, or Heating Element

The coil, atomizer, or heating element is responsible for vaporizing the e-liquid, vape oil, or concentrate in your vape cart. Any issues with these components can directly impact the cart’s ability to hit or produce vapor.

Improperly Primed and Damaged Coil

Before using a new vape cart, it’s essential to prime the coil properly. If the coil in your vape cart is visibly cracked or damaged, it will need to be replaced. Inspect the coil closely and check for any signs of physical damage. A damaged coil cannot function properly and will prevent the cart from hitting or producing vapor.

Worn-out or Burnt Coil

Over time, prolonged use and exposure to high temperatures can cause the coil to wear out or become burnt. A worn-out or burnt coil will negatively impact the vapor production and flavor, and may even produce an unpleasant burnt taste. Replacing the coil or the entire cartridge is the best solution in this case.

Misaligned Coil

In some cases, the coil may not be properly aligned within the cartridge, preventing it from making proper contact with the airflow paths or heating element. This misalignment can cause issues with vapor production. If you suspect a misaligned coil, it’s best to replace the cartridge.

Incompatible Coil Resistance

Different vape batteries are designed to work with specific coil resistances. If the coil resistance in your vape cart is incompatible with your battery’s voltage or wattage output, it may prevent the coil from heating properly, resulting in a lack of vapor production. Always ensure that the coil resistance matches your battery’s specifications.

Clogged or Dirty Coil

Over time, residue from the e-liquid or concentrate can accumulate on the coil, causing it to become clogged or dirty. This buildup can interfere with the coil’s ability to heat and vaporize the material properly. Cleaning the coil with a cotton swab and rubbing alcohol can help remove any residue, but if the issue persists, it’s best to replace the coil or cartridge.

(4) E-Liquid or Concentrate Viscosity

The viscosity (thickness) of the e-liquid or concentrate you’re using can also play a role in whether your vape cart is hitting or not. Here are some tips for addressing viscosity-related issues:

Thick Oil or Concentrate

If you’re using a particularly thick oil or concentrate, it may not vaporize effectively at lower temperatures. Try increasing the temperature or voltage settings on your battery (if adjustable) to provide more heat and improve vaporization.

Low-Quality E-Liquid or Concentrate

Low-quality or improperly formulated e-liquids or concentrates can cause issues with viscosity and vaporization.

(5) Temperature and Voltage Settings

Many modern vape batteries and devices offer adjustable temperature or voltage settings. Improper settings can lead to issues with vapor production and hitting.

Incorrect Temperature or Voltage Settings

If the temperature or voltage settings on your device are too low, it may not provide enough heat to effectively vaporize the e-liquid or concentrate in your cart. On the other hand, if the settings are too high, it can lead to burning or degradation of the material.

Outdated or Malfunctioning Temperature Control

If your device’s temperature control feature is outdated or malfunctioning, it can prevent the coil from reaching the desired temperature, resulting in poor vapor production. In such cases, it may be necessary to replace or repair the temperature control system or consider upgrading to a newer device.

(6) Battery Connection and Contact Issues

A poor connection or contact between the vape cart and the battery can also prevent the cart from hitting or producing vapor effectively.

Dirty or Corroded Contact Points

Over time, the contact points (where the cart connects to the battery) can become dirty or corroded, interfering with the electrical connection.

Loose or Improper Connection

Ensure that the vape cart is securely connected to the battery. A loose or improper connection can disrupt the flow of power and prevent the cart from hitting. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for properly connecting the cart to the battery.

Damaged or Bent Contact Pins

Inspect the contact pins (the metal protrusions that make the connection) on both the cart and the battery for any signs of damage or bending. Bent or damaged pins can prevent proper electrical contact and should be straightened or replaced if necessary.

Incompatible Threading

Some vape carts and batteries may have incompatible threading, preventing a secure connection. Always ensure that the threading on your cart and battery are compatible and designed to work together.

(7) Leaks or Flooding

In some cases, leaks or flooding within the cartridge can interfere with its ability to hit or produce vapor.

E-Liquid or Concentrate Leakage

If your vape cart is leaking e-liquid or concentrate, it can cause flooding within the airflow paths or chamber, preventing proper vapor production. Inspect the cart for any visible leaks and consider replacing it if the issue persists.

Chamber Flooding

If you haven’t used your vape cart for an extended period, the e-liquid or concentrate may have settled or thickened at the bottom of the chamber, causing flooding or oversaturation of the wick. Try gently tapping or shaking the cart to redistribute the material, or consider replacing the cart if the issue persists.

Tips for Fixing or Preventing your Vape Cart from Not Hitting

While addressing specific issues is crucial, there are also some general tips and best practices that can help prevent your vape cart from not hitting or experiencing performance issues.

1- Keep your Vape Cart and Battery Clean

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your vape cart and battery can go a long way in preventing clogs, buildup, and other issues that could interfere with vapor production.

2- Store your Vape Cart Properly

Storing your vape cart in an upright position and avoiding extreme temperatures can help prevent leaks, thickening of the e-liquid or concentrate, and other issues that could impact its performance.

3- Use High-Quality Products

Investing in high-quality vape carts, e-liquids, and concentrates from reputable brands can significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering issues related to poor manufacturing, compatibility, or material quality.

4-  Follow Manufacturer’s Instructions

Always consult and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific vape cart and battery. This includes guidelines for priming, compatible settings, and proper usage to ensure optimal performance and longevity.

5- Replace Components When Necessary

Don’t hesitate to replace components like coils, cartridges, or batteries when they show signs of wear, damage, or degradation. Continuing to use worn-out components can lead to further issues and a subpar vaping experience.

6- Experiment with Temperature and Voltage Settings

If your device allows for adjustable temperature or voltage settings, don’t be afraid to experiment (within the recommended ranges) to find the optimal settings for your specific vape cart and material. Incorrect voltage settings can ruin your vaping experience. This is especially important when dealing with a brand new vape cart.

7- Check for Firmware Updates

For more advanced vape devices, ensure that you keep the firmware up to date. Firmware updates can often address known issues, improve performance, and introduce new features or compatibility improvements.

8- Seek Professional Assistance When Needed

If you’ve tried all the troubleshooting steps and tips outlined in this guide, but your vape cart still refuses to hit or produce vapor, it’s time to seek professional assistance. Contact the manufacturer or a reputable vape shop for further guidance or potential repairs.

John Doe
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