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Blog 丨 2022.08.06

Achieve Otherworldly Cannabis Vaping Experience with A Smart Pod System Cannabis Vaporizer

The cannabis vaporizer market has been growing immensely for the past few years. Consumers become more knowledgeable about the cannabis vape device they utilize on a daily basis. This factor motivates every cannabis vaporizer brand to continually innovate and compete with each other to provide top-notch cannabis vaporizers. Especially in this age of technology, cannabis consumers incline toward sophisticated cannabis vape devices, such as the smart pod system cannabis vaporizer. The ultimate objective is none other than to step up their cannabis vaping game. So, how do we define a “smart” pod system cannabis vaporizer?

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As it is named, the smart pod system cannabis vaporizer possesses numerous automated features to increase expediency. It can self-regulate to achieve the settings that best fit the cannabis vapers’ needs. Some existing pod system cannabis vaporizers begin with a ” smart mode”  that can limit the wattage of the device for safety reasons. This is especially beneficial for those beginner cannabis vapers who have not fully comprehended the cannabis vape device mechanism.


The definition of a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer extends to how the system can adjust to the users’ requirements. The input is usually done through a mobile application that can be installed on a smartphone and connected via Bluetooth. Some of the more futuristic options even implement voice command functionality that offers elevated practicality and utilization efficiency for cannabis vapers. Aside from these user-friendly benefits, the most crucial aspect of a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer lies in how it helps enhance the overall cannabis vaping experience. Let’s dive into some of these value-adding features that put the cannabis vapers in total control!


1. Go Into Details About The Cannabis Oil Inside Your Cannabis Oil Tank

Within the mobile application connected to the smart pod system cannabis vaporizer, cannabis users can find information regarding the cannabis oil inside their device’s cannabis oil tank. The NFC tag installed in the device records the state-regulated test results, strain, and potency data. These impressive details aim to offer the cannabis vapers a sense of assurance of the substance that they put into their bodies. They will be able to conduct relevant research on the expected psychoactive impacts of the cannabis variant in their pod system cannabis vaporizers.


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2. Choose The Correct Temperature to Achieve Your Desired Cannabis Vaping Experience

After acquiring the details of the cannabis oil, a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer will be able to set the correct temperature for that specific variant. Besides this automated feature, cannabis vapers still have an option to choose the temperature level according to their preferences. For instance, Pax Era offers four temperature options to produce different flavor profiles and amounts of vapors.


The cannabis flavor is affected by terpene, which is the substance that determines the aroma of cannabis, such as citrus, berry, floral, and over a hundred other types. Cannabis vapers can try various attempts on the temperature settings to find out which terpene profile or vapor intensity that suits them best. The basic rule is that a lower temperature may enhance the flavor by keeping the terpene profile unadulterated. However, if cannabis vapers pick this setting, they will expect less vapor.


3. Set a Limit to Your Cannabis Consumption 

Besides the taste and amount of vapor, cannabis vapers should be aware of the limitation of their cannabis intake. A smart pod system cannabis vaporizer often possesses a dosage control function that will help cannabis users set a threshold on the amount of cannabis they want or need to take. We can take an example from the Pax Era series, in which the dose control function is mechanized by measuring the time of the draw and the energy used to vaporize the cannabis oil. This smart pod system cannabis vaporizer will alert the cannabis user with haptic feedback as the desired or allowable dose has been reached.


Aside from a considerable functionality improvement, a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer requires a better battery management system than a regular device to accommodate the abundant additional features. Even though these features aim to improve the cannabis vaping experience, they come with the price of higher power consumption. Instead of featuring a micro USB port, the pod system cannabis vape device usually utilizes a Type-C port that can fill the battery at a much faster rate. Therefore, the cannabis user will not have to plug their smart pod system cannabis vaporizers as often.


Extra Convenience and Cannabis Consumption Behavior Control that Exceeds Higher Price Concerns


The ultimate question is how these sophisticated features affect the pricing aspect. Cannabis vaporizer brands may need to increase their budgets to build a smart pod system cannabis vape device, which also translates to a higher price for cannabis consumers. Even though they need to spend more, many cannabis vapers regard the additional cost as worth the value. A smart pod system cannabis vaporizer offers users a new level of convenience and total control over their cannabis consumption behavior. With instant connectivity to their smartphones, cannabis vapers will be able to have complete visibility of what they put into their bodies and establish a dosage threshold to achieve the desired outcomes, eliminating the risk of overconsumption.


Not only does the smart pod system cannabis vaporizer benefit cannabis vapers, but it also produces the same result for the brand. Distributing this smart device will only enhance the brand image of a leading cannabis vaporizer brand. The existence of software that connects with a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer will also increase brand awareness by tapping a previously unexplored channel.


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Design and Actualize Your Exclusive Smart Pod System Cannabis Vaporizer with Cilicon


Incorporating the ” smart”  branding not only attracts multiple cannabis vaper segments but also boosts credibility as a cannabis vaporizer brand. The sophisticated dosage and temperature control feature in a smart pod system cannabis vaporizer ultimately protects the consumers from overdose and unpleasant flavors. Meanwhile, the informational transparency about the cannabis variants in the oil tank indicates that the brand genuinely cares about the safety of the users. Incorporating these additional features may add to the cost and, ultimately, the pricing aspect. However, many cannabis consumers are willing to spend more due to the unrivaled convenience and complete control over their cannabis consumption behavior.


Now that you apprehend the accessible smart features in the market, you can start envisioning your brand’s exclusive smart pod system cannabis vaporizer to join the tide. As an original design manufacturer, Cilicon will provide you with end-to-end assistance to fulfill your dream to create an ultramodern smart pod system cannabis vape device, leading you to be the industry’s leader.

